Born on 15-9-1943 near Antwerp (Flanders, Belgium).
After Technical Highschool, obtained a Bachelor Degree in Industrial Chemistry at the Institute of Technology in Antwerp in 1965.
Was three years sailor (engine room), principally instead of military service and to see something of the world.
After a two-years intermezzo in a Cola bottlery, starting a carrier
as Process Engineer in 1970 in the Akzo Nobel Synthetic Resins plant at
Bergen-op-Zoom, The Netherlands (50.000 tpa raw materials for paints
In 1980 changed the interests, later the job, towards the then rapid
growing possibilities of process automation, first on laboratory scale.
The first batch plant process line was automated in 1984. In 1988
shifted to
the Akzo Nobel plants in Rotterdam, The Netherlands, producing 325.000
tpa of chlorine, 500.000 tpa VCM (monomer for PVC) and 20.000 tpa
chlorinated herbicides. Until 30 September 2004 working as Senior
Project Engineer Process Automation, a M.Sc. job. Retired since 1
October 2004, and
enjoying (too) many hobby's...
Interested in all kinds of science and techniques, from biochemistry
to electronics and anything from nature. In the past years more and
more interested in climate
change matters. Former chairman of the Chlorophiles
(organization of workers in the chlorine and PVC industry, ceased
operation in 2007). Was many years
member of an organic growers association (VELT). Have been active in
politics (several actions in the past against wild urbanizing plans of
valuable nature, and the split-up of Belgium from an unitarian state
into a federation), was active in social associations and the
municipal council for development of the third world (GROS - actions to
bring money together for non governmental organizations which have
projects in the third world).
Was almost 52 years married with Rita De Meyer, born 30 June, 1946,
retired director of a large kindergarten school, later of an elementary school.
After a long struggle with an auto-immune disease, she passed away on 5 February, 2022.
Two daughters: Greet, born 5 January, 1971, now a teacher English,
geography (both combined in "Clil") and Latin in Ekeren (near Antwerp) and
Ann, born 20 October,1973, a graduated geologist, specialized in marine
seismic. Has finished a Ph.D. work in a team commissioned by the UN,
to find methods for the detection (and destruction) of personal mines,
used in countries like Angola, Cambodia and Bosnia.
After that, she learned to fly helicopter in Mississippi, USA. After being flight instructor in
Mississippi and South Alaska (near Anchorage), co-pilot
in North Alaska
(supplies and passenger traffic for oil exploration), worked a short time in Qatar and a few years in Nigeria
as chief pilot
After that she returned to Europe and with a lot of Kafkian struggles with the Belgian administration,
she obtained here European flight license. She has worked several years for a Dutch helicopter company
in Den Helder (Netherlands).
Now again looking for a new job somewhere in Europe...
Created: 8 March, 2005.
Last update: 13 October, 2022.